मुख्य सामग्रीवर वगळा


In this busy world, everyone is stressed. People love to read amazing content, and many are searching for new and motivational stories. Stories provide morals, motivation, and knowledge. If you are looking for fresh motivational or moral stories, you are on the right page. Please don't forget to comment and share if you like this story. If you already know this story, feel free to mention it in the comment box. Let's begin the story. Once upon a time, there was a rich man who employed a mason to work for him. The mason was responsible for building big houses, and the rich man paid him for his work. The mason was a hardworking and honest person who came from a poor family. Despite his financial struggles and not owning a good house himself, he never thought of cheating to achieve his desires. The rich man and the mason had a strong bond of trust. The rich man trusted him completely, and the mason built beautiful and strong houses. The rich man became wealthier by selling these houses. Despite his hard work, the mason was content with his earnings and never asked for a raise. The mason was always ready to work and never took unnecessary leave. Years passed by as he continued to work diligently. Sometimes, his family fell ill, and the rich man supported him financially. Though the mason was a man of self-respect, he dedicated his entire life to working for the rich man. The rich man, aware of the mason's loyalty and struggles, decided to surprise him with a big reward upon his retirement. After many years, the rich man called the mason and said, “We are both getting old. You should retire now. You have supported me immensely throughout my life. Ask for any wish, and I will fulfill it for you.” The mason humbly replied, “You are right, sir. I am also old and should retire. However, I feel I have only done my duty and nothing extraordinary. You have done so much for me; that is enough. I have no other wishes.” Hearing this, the rich man became emotional and said, “You may have no wish, but please fulfill one last request for me. Build me a beautiful bungalow where I can spend my old age happily with my family.” The mason was surprised but agreed, despite feeling physically weak to take on such a task. However, the rich man added, “Use any materials and manpower you need, but I cannot pay for it right now as my finances are managed by my son, who is abroad.” The mason agreed reluctantly. For the first time in his life, he felt resentment. He thought, “I have built so many houses for him, but I never received anything significant. Now, even at the end, he is using me.” Feeling bitter, he decided to cut corners and used low-quality materials to build the bungalow. He completed it as quickly as possible. End of the moment,The rich person called him to the mason, they were sitted infront of each other,And rich person ask him to do promise; You'll not say no,if i given you a reward. He given promise with scared mind and curious thoughts. That rich man given him that new bungalow "KEY" and said" you lot of to me and my family". I didn't given anything to you, but now i got chance to do my responsibility. That moment was incredible.Mason get imotional and given hug that rich person.But inside the mason was regrets on what he done!! MORAL OF THE STORY : " NEVER CHANGE GOOD CHARACTER,NAVER GIVE UP FOR GOOD THINGS, KEEP PATIENCE "


या ब्लॉगवरील लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

श्वान (मोती , कुत्रा)

Story of moral: > नमस्कार मित्रांनो, हा लेख वाचुन तुम्हाला कदाचित तूमचा करूणाभाव जागृत होईल, हाच माझा एकमेव उद्देश आहे, नकळत जर या लेखात तुम्हाला काही त्रूटी आढळली किंवा काही नविन शिकायला मिळाले , तर कृपा करून कमेट मध्ये कळवा.धन्यवाद ! तर शेवट पर्यंत नक्की वाचा लाचार, भूकेला,भटका , थंडी ,ऊन , वारापावसात दररोज असह्य वेदना सोसणार्या श्वानाविषयी बोलाव तेवढ कमीच आहे. श्वान हा मासांहारी जीव असुन सुध्दा नकळत तो शाकाहारी बनलेला दिसतो. श्वानाम्ध्ये बरेच चांगले गुण लाभलेले आहेत, ते माणसाने अगिंकारले तरी माणसाला आयुष्य जगायला मदत करतिल.श्वान हे फक्त आवश्यक तितकेच किंवा त्याला जमेल त्या पेक्षा अधिक काम करतो, तसेच मिळेल त्या आहारातुन स्वत;ला तृप्त करतो.ते कितीही गाढ झोपैत असु द्या तो सावधान / जागृत असतो.तो खुप दुरवरून शत्रुची हालचाल समझुन घेऊन त्वरित सावध होतो. तसेच श्वानाचा एक नैसर्गिक गुण म्हणजे त्याचा प्रामाणिकणपणा . जर का तुम्ही एकदाची त्याला माया लावली तर तुमच्या साठी स्वत: चा जीव सुध्दा ओवाळुन टाकतो , म्हणजेच तो एक शौर्यवान प्राणी आहे. अश्या या श्वानाविषयी आपल्याला प्रेम का नाही?  ...

" डोममाराजू गुकेश " यशाची गाथा!

'डोममाराजू गूकेश यांची यशाची गाथा' जगामध्ये कित्येक युवा आहेत जे काहीतरी करण्याचा विचार करतात. परंतु त्यांना योग्य तो मार्ग मिळत नाही, आणि मार्ग मिळावा तर त्यांना काहीतरी अडथळा येत असतो किंवा त्यांच्याकडे काहीतरी कारणे असतातच!! पण आत्ताच्या घडीला गुकेश डी एक चांगले उदाहरण आहे. जगातील सगळ्यात तरुण बुद्धिबळपटू म्हणून तो प्रख्यात झाला आहे. असे म्हणतात,"यश हे खूप गोंगाट करते परंतु त्या मागची मेहनत एकदम शांत असते "जी कुणालाही दिसत नाही. आपल्याला प्रत्येकांचं यश बघून काहीतरी वेगळं करावं वाटते, नाहीतर आपल्याकडे खूप कारण असतात,की नशिबाने आपल्याला साथ दिली नाही,आणि मला साथ देणारे कोनी नाही. जगामध्ये कितीतरी उदाहरणे आहेत जे शून्यातून विश्व निर्माण करतात आणि जगभर, विश्वभर स्वतःची प्रसिद्धी प्रख्यात करतात, त्याचेच एक उदाहरण म्हणजे गुकेश डी. जो सध्या जगातल्या पाच बुद्धिबळ पटून पैकी एक आहे. आणि सर्वात लहान किंवा कमी वयाचा बुद्धिबळ पट्टू आहे. आपण त्याच्या विषयी जाणून घेऊया किंवा त्याच्या यशाची गाथा समजून घेऊया!! आपला भारत देश खूप मोठा असून त्यामध्ये खूप सारे राज्य आहेत, पण कधी आप...