मुख्य सामग्रीवर वगळा


The Inspiring Journey of Sir Ratan Tata: A Visionary Leader with a Golden Heart

The Inspiring Journey of Sir Ratan Tata: A Visionary Leader with a Golden Heart In the world of business, where cut-throat competition often overshadows compassion, there emerges a leader who redefines success. Sir Ratan Tata is not just a name but a symbol of integrity, humility, and vision. His life story is an inspiring tale of determination, resilience, and a deep-rooted commitment to making the world a better place. Humble Beginnings: A Seed of Greatness Born on December 28, 1937, into the illustrious Tata family, Ratan Tata’s early life was not as easy as it might seem. He was raised by his grandmother after his parents separated, a challenge that could have deterred many. Yet, he turned his personal struggles into strength, shaping himself into the empathetic leader we admire today. After completing his education at Cornell University and Harvard Business School, Ratan Tata returned to India, ready to contribute to the family legacy. However, the journey to the top was n...


In this busy world, everyone is stressed. People love to read amazing content, and many are searching for new and motivational stories. Stories provide morals, motivation, and knowledge. If you are looking for fresh motivational or moral stories, you are on the right page. Please don't forget to comment and share if you like this story. If you already know this story, feel free to mention it in the comment box. Let's begin the story. Once upon a time, there was a rich man who employed a mason to work for him. The mason was responsible for building big houses, and the rich man paid him for his work. The mason was a hardworking and honest person who came from a poor family. Despite his financial struggles and not owning a good house himself, he never thought of cheating to achieve his desires. The rich man and the mason had a strong bond of trust. The rich man trusted him completely, and the mason built beautiful and strong houses. The rich man became wealthier by sellin...

श्वान (मोती , कुत्रा)

Story of moral: > नमस्कार मित्रांनो, हा लेख वाचुन तुम्हाला कदाचित तूमचा करूणाभाव जागृत होईल, हाच माझा एकमेव उद्देश आहे, नकळत जर या लेखात तुम्हाला काही त्रूटी आढळली किंवा काही नविन शिकायला मिळाले , तर कृपा करून कमेट मध्ये कळवा.धन्यवाद ! तर शेवट पर्यंत नक्की वाचा लाचार, भूकेला,भटका , थंडी ,ऊन , वारापावसात दररोज असह्य वेदना सोसणार्या श्वानाविषयी बोलाव तेवढ कमीच आहे. श्वान हा मासांहारी जीव असुन सुध्दा नकळत तो शाकाहारी बनलेला दिसतो. श्वानाम्ध्ये बरेच चांगले गुण लाभलेले आहेत, ते माणसाने अगिंकारले तरी माणसाला आयुष्य जगायला मदत करतिल.श्वान हे फक्त आवश्यक तितकेच किंवा त्याला जमेल त्या पेक्षा अधिक काम करतो, तसेच मिळेल त्या आहारातुन स्वत;ला तृप्त करतो.ते कितीही गाढ झोपैत असु द्या तो सावधान / जागृत असतो.तो खुप दुरवरून शत्रुची हालचाल समझुन घेऊन त्वरित सावध होतो. तसेच श्वानाचा एक नैसर्गिक गुण म्हणजे त्याचा प्रामाणिकणपणा . जर का तुम्ही एकदाची त्याला माया लावली तर तुमच्या साठी स्वत: चा जीव सुध्दा ओवाळुन टाकतो , म्हणजेच तो एक शौर्यवान प्राणी आहे. अश्या या श्वानाविषयी आपल्याला प्रेम का नाही?  ...